Português of the Week

comemoração - celebration

Monday, March 21, 2011

A Brazilian Virus

Something has been spreading around Brazil, and over 3.5 million people have been affected. I thought I'd write about it before it's gone.

It's a virus...a video virus.

Viral videos aren't limited to the English-speaking world. Oh no. This one was made in one of the northeastern cities of Brazil. I think Recife.

I've official heard this song played in passing cars, blocos, and clubs. While the lyrics are hilariously innocent, the dance is what gets me.


Hey, do you wanna drink?
I don't wanna.
Why not?
I just don't.
Do you wanna smoke?
Why not?

I'm not going
I don't wanna
I can't
My wife won't let me
I'm not going
I don't wanna

Okay, so the English translation doesn't quite have the same ring to it.

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